Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lexipro Side Effects

Lexipro has been thoroughly studied thoroughly in clinical trials. In the studies, there are two groups, one taking Lexipro, and one not. The Lexipro Side Effects of the group taking are recorded and later compared to the group not taking it. By doing this, it is possible to determine the Lexipro Side Effects that occur, and how often they appear, when compared to the group that is not taking the anti-depressant.

Based on the clinical studies, the most prevalent Lexipro Side Effects are below:

Headache - in up to 24 percent of people
Nausea - in up to 18 percent of people
Ejaculation problems - in up to 14 percent of people
Profound tiredness - in up to 13 percent of people
Trouble sleeping - in up to 12 percent of people
Dry mouth - in up to 9 percent of people
Weakness - in up to 8 percent of people
Sweating -- in up to 8 percent of people
Diarrhea - in up to 8 percent of people
Lower libido - in up to 7 percent of people
Constipation -- in up to 6 percent of people
Orgasm issues - in up to 6 percent of people
Feeling dizzy -- in up to 5 percent of people

Saturday, February 27, 2010

About Lexipro

Lexipro is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Lexipro works by balancing serotonin levels in the brain, which aids in improving various mood problems.

Lexipro is mainly used to treat major depression, a constantly low mood that can interfere with daily life.

Lexipro is also prescribed for generalized anxiety disorder, a condition marked by excessive worry and anxiety that is hard to control and interferes with daily life.